A smiling white woman wearing black framed glasses, a green jacket and pink t.shirt with a gold, chain necklace, sitting against a green wall


Hi, I’m Rachael. I support school leaders and their teams to untangle the challenges of the job.

I know that life as a school leader can be pretty busy so here are some short articles to give you more information about how I can support you or your team.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch.

Working together; coaching support for resilient school leaders

Working together; coaching support for resilient school leaders

Every academic year has its own rhythm and familiar patterns, and always comes with new wins, unexpected pressures and unpredictable twists. Navigating these demands mental strength, resilience and adaptability, which is where a year-round coaching partnership can make all the difference for a school leader. 

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Slowing down for success; a deliberate approach to the final term

Slowing down for success; a deliberate approach to the final term

As the final term of the academic year approaches, it’s natural to feel a panicked sense of urgency – something I remember all too well! With the many events and tasks already filling up your diary, the temptation to rush and squeeze everything in can be overwhelming and difficult not to give in to.

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